Interdiffusion of Chromium in Molten Fe-Cr and Fe-Cr-Ni Alloys
Yoichi ONO, Atsushi SAKAI
pp. 601-607
Interdiffusion coefficients of chromium in molten Fe-Cr and Fe-Cr-Ni alloys have been determined at 1 550°C by the diffusion couple method with the following results:
(1) Interdiffusion coefficient in molten Fe-Cr alloy, DFe-Cr, is expressed by the following empirical equation for chromium content up to 15 at%:
DFe-Cr×105=3.36-20.9NCr+171N2Cr, cm2/s
(2) In molten Fe-Cr-Ni alloy with the composition of 4 at%Ni and 0 to 12 at%Cr, the main (diagonal) diffusion coefficient of chromium, DCrCr, is 1.3 to 1.9 times as large as the binary diffusivity DFe-Cr, that is, an addition of nickel increases the diffusion rate of chromium. Cross diffusion coefficients, DCrNi and DNiCr, are estimated to be negative and smaller than the main coefficients by an order of magnitude.
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