- Zairyo-to-Kankyo
- Vol. 60 (2011), No. 3
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10 Feb. (Last 30 Days)
Zairyo-to-Kankyo Vol. 60 (2011), No. 3
Electrochemical and Corrosion Properties of Carbon Steel in Simulated Geological Disposal Environments
Katsuhisa Sugimoto
pp. 98-108
This paper reviews electrochemical and corrosion studies on the application of carbon steel to an overpack container, which is used for the geological disposal of radioactive wastes. Deaerated alkaline Na2SO4-NaHCO3-NaCl solutions and bentonite soaked with the solutions are used as simulated geological disposal environments. Electrochemical studies show the corrosion of the steel in an early stage is the activation control. Corrosion rates are controlled by the composition of the solutions, alloying elements, and the structure of the steel. The rates decrease with time due to the formation of FeCO3 (siderite) film on the steel. Immersion corrosion tests show general corrosion morphology. Average corrosion rates of long duration have been evaluated. Clear proofs of the initiation of localized corrosion, such as pitting, crevice corrosion, hydrogen embrittlment and stress-corrosion cracking, have not been reported.
Effect of Removal of Free Carbonic Acid on pH in Fresh Water
Shinichi Takasaki, Tomoyasu Imai
pp. 120-122
10.3323/jcorr.60.120The Investigation of High Temperature Air/Steam Oxidation Behaviors of Sulfidized STBA21 Steel
Masaharu Nakamori, Shoji Kyo, Osamu Ishibasi, Takayuki Yosioka, Toshio Narita
pp. 123-125
10.3323/jcorr.60.123Effect of Silica, Chloride and Sulfate Ions on Pitting Morphology of Copper
Masahiro Sakai, Naoya Matsumoto
pp. 126-128
10.3323/jcorr.60.126Corrosion on Brazing Parts of Copper Heat-exchanger for Hydronic Heating System
Masahiro Sakai, Tohru Aoki, Mitsuru Nakamura, Yoshitomo Itano
pp. 129-131
10.3323/jcorr.60.129Estimation of Martensitic Transformation in Weld Dilution Zone of Alloy 182 Based upon Thermodynamic Calculation
Toshiaki Horiuchi, Akihiro Kondoh, Kazuhiro Kuwano
pp. 132-134
10.3323/jcorr.60.132Effect of Typhoon on the Atmospheric Corrosion of Carbon Steel in Okinawa
Atsushi Nakano, Wataru Oshikawa
pp. 135-137
10.3323/jcorr.60.135Investigation of Thermal Spray Coatings on Furnace Water Wall in Pulverized Coal Fired Boiler
Shoji Kyo, Masaharu Nakamori, Kazuya Kurokawa
pp. 138-140
10.3323/jcorr.60.138Improvement of Stress Corrosion Cracking Resistance in Austenitic Stainless Steel by Grain Boundary Character Distribution Control
Yun Wang, Junya Kaneda, Naoto Shigenaka
pp. 141-146
Creviced bent beam test is conducted on grain boundary character distribution (GBCD) controlled austenitic stainless steel. Average length and grain quantity of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) decrease after raising low Σ coincidence site lattice (CSL) grain boundary (GB) frequency by post-cold-work heat treatment process. GBCD analysis on SCC path shows that low Σ CSL GB possesses better SCC resistance than random GB. Triple junction distribution (TJD) analysis shows that with raising low Σ CSL GB frequency, continuity of random GB network can be efficiently broken, which leads to a good improvement of SCC resistance in the material.
Rheological Property and Adhesive Performance of Polymer Coating Film for Telecommunication Plant
Yukitoshi Takeshita, Seizou Sakata, Takashi Sawada, Richard A. Jackson Jr., Ryuichi Nishio
pp. 147-153
Many telecommunication facilities are protected against long-term weather exposure by some type of weathering prevention technology. The steel poles used by radio stations are coated with polymer material to ensure both a long lifetime and reliability. Our goal is to develop a new technique for measuring the adhesive performance of a polymer film coating on galvanized steel by using a rheological approach. Conventional adhesion testing has proved difficult to reproduce, thus limiting its usefulness. In this study, we investigated the dynamic behavior of the polymer film, tried to evaluate the adhesive performance, and estimate the trend of the mechanical properties. Additionally, we have tried to correlate data obtained in a conventional way with data obtained with the rheological technique to predict the mechanical properties over the lifetime of the material. The result clearly shows the large time dependence of the mechanical properties. Continued film degradation during artificial accelerated cycle testing reveals the corresponding trend for dynamic storage and the loss modulus. We also found that it is possible to predict the potential breaking locations and the degree of strength of polymer films by comparing the results of conventional adhesive performance testing and our new rheological findings.
Article Access Ranking
10 Feb. (Last 30 Days)
Wettability of CaS against molten iron at 1873 K
ISIJ International Advance Publication
Structure of Metallic Iron Formed in Iron Ores by CO-H2 Reduction
ISIJ International Advance Publication
Characterization of the three-dimensional pore structure of coke using the maximal ball method
ISIJ International Advance Publication
Coating Structure and Corrosion Mechanism of Zn-19%Al-6%Mg Alloy Coating Layer
ISIJ International Advance Publication
Molecular Dynamics Analysis of the Mg2+ Structure Behavior in SiO2-CaO-Al2O3-MgO Slag System
ISIJ International Advance Publication
Effect of grain-boundary phases on the tensile and compressive creep behavior of a Ni-Co based superalloy with high W content
ISIJ International Advance Publication
Simulation and Application of Top-blowing Lance with Various Inclination Angles in Decarburization Ladle Furnace
ISIJ International Advance Publication
Producing high purity metallic iron from bauxite residue through hydrogen reduction followed by flux smelting
ISIJ International Advance Publication
Preface to the Special Issue on "Effects of Cu and Other Tramp Elements on Steel Properties"
ISIJ International Vol.37(1997), No.3
Excimer Laser Crystallization Processes of Amorphous Silicon Thin Films by Using Molecular-dynamics Simulations
ISIJ International Vol.50(2010), No.12
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