- Zairyo-to-Kankyo
- Vol. 57 (2008), No. 12
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Keyword Ranking
16 Feb. (Last 30 Days)
Zairyo-to-Kankyo Vol. 57 (2008), No. 12
Role of Chemistry in Analysis on the Leakage Incident of Sodium from the Fast Breeder Reactor of “Monjyu”
Masao Takahashi
pp. 514-523
The chemical reactions of Na-Fe-O2-H2O system and their equilibrium constants (600∼1200 K) were expressed in terms of standard equilibrium O2 pressure P0 and standard potential E0. The results were graphically illustrated on the equilibrium daiagrams of log P(O2)(O2 partial pressure) vs. log(Na2O)(basicity) or E(potential) vs. log(O2−)(basicity). These daiagrams visually and comprehensively show the equilibrium relations in the reactions among molten Na with O2, H2O and Fe with their reaction products and give a useful information for analysis of the leakage incident of sodium from the fast breeder reactor of “Monjyu”.
Corrosion Behavior of Stainless Steel in Nitric Acid Solutions Including Neptunium
Takafumi Motooka, Masahiro Yamamoto
pp. 536-541
In order to investigate a corrosion behavior of stainless steel in the typical nuclear fuel reprocessing plant, corrosion tests using nitric acid solution with neptunium were conducted under atmospheric and the reduced pressure conditions in the laboratory where radioactive substance could be handled. An ultra low carbon type of SUS304ULC stainless steel was used. Obtained results were as follows: Under the reduced pressure condition, corrosion of the stainless steel was accelerated in the nitric acid solution with neptunium than in pure nitric acid solution. Under an atmospheric condition, the corrosion rate of the stainless steel increased with increase of neptunium content. The higher solution temperature enhanced the corrosion rate of the stainless steel in the nitric acid solution with neptunium. Thermodynamic data showed that Np(V) oxidized to Np(VI) by concentrated and elevated nitric acid solution. The corrosion potential of the stainless steel shifted to nobler direction in the nitric acid solution with neptunium. It is estimated that the electrochemical reaction of Np(VI)/Np(V) is reversible and the rate constant of the reaction has great values. And it is considered that the dominance of Np(VI) in nitric acid solution accelerated the corrosion rate of the stainless steel in the solutions with neptunium.
Development of Monitoring Method for Coating Condition inside Ballast Tank using Numerical Inverse Analysis
Atsushi Nakayama, Kenji Amaya, Norio Yamamoto, Koji Terai
pp. 542-547
We developed the quantitative monitoring method for coating condition inside a ballast tank. We proposed the coating condition is evaluated with the surface resistance. We developed the identification method to obtain the whole surface resistance from the differential potential induced by the impressed current from an optional anode inside a tank. We introduced differential potential measurement and inverse analysis to obtain the surface resistance representing the coating condition. The potential measurement and quantitative evaluation were conducted in the actual ship. The verification was performed and there was the good agreement between the proposed method and the preliminary visual inspection.
Article Access Ranking
16 Feb. (Last 30 Days)
Wettability of CaS Against Molten Iron at 1873 K
ISIJ International Vol.65(2025), No.2
Structure of Metallic Iron Formed in Iron Ores by CO-H2 Reduction
ISIJ International Advance Publication
Characterization of the three-dimensional pore structure of coke using the maximal ball method
ISIJ International Advance Publication
Molecular Dynamics Analysis of the Mg2+ Structure Behavior in SiO2-CaO-Al2O3-MgO Slag System
ISIJ International Advance Publication
The investigation into the impact of the spatial arrangement of MMI desulfurization bubble clusters on molten iron fluctuations using the VOF method
ISIJ International Advance Publication
Simulation and Application of Top-blowing Lance with Various Inclination Angles in Decarburization Ladle Furnace
ISIJ International Advance Publication
Producing high purity metallic iron from bauxite residue through hydrogen reduction followed by flux smelting
ISIJ International Advance Publication
Preface to the Special Issue on "Effects of Cu and Other Tramp Elements on Steel Properties"
ISIJ International Vol.37(1997), No.3
Comparison of Hydrochar and Anthracite as Reducing Agents for Direct Reduction of Hematite
ISIJ International Vol.64(2024), No.6
Fabrication of Open-Channel Aluminum Alloys and Its Application to Heat Exchangers
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