鉄と鋼 Vol. 55 (1969), No. 5

Grid List Abstracts
オンライン版ISSN: | 1883-2954 |
冊子版ISSN: | 0021-1575 |
発行機関: | The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan |
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07 Mar. (Last 30 Days)
鉄と鋼 Vol. 55 (1969), No. 5
Study on the Rate of Scrap Melting in the Steelmaking Process
Kazumi MORI, Hiroyuki NOMURA
pp. 347-354
A mathematical model has been developed for scrap melting in the steelmaking process based on the concept of simultaneous heat and mass transfer. Steady state equations are established for heat and mass transfer in the boundary layer between solid and liquid. Heat conduction in the solid is expressed by an unsteady state equation. The thickness of diffusion layer and the thickness of scrap are chosen as the required parameters for the calculation. Numerical solutions are obtained by the finite difference method.
The calculation using the values of diffusion layer thickness (5×10-3-10-2cm) found by the authors indicates that the present model gives a general agreement with practical data in the case of simple form of scrap.
It is predicted that scrap form and size have an effect on the rate-determining mechanism of scrap melting and on the duration of transient heat conduction in the solid scrap. This is considered to be important in the performance of dynamic control.
It is thought that at the beginning of the process when the temperature of the bath is low and the bath turbulence is weak, iron would solidify on the cold scrap.
A limit of size of scrap for the rapid refining are also discussed.
鉄と鋼 Vol.50(1964), No.5
鉄と鋼 Vol.53(1967), No.11
鉄と鋼 Vol.54(1968), No.10
Structure of the Rust Formed on Low Alloy Steels in Atmospheric Corrosion
Hideya OKADA, Yuzo HOSOI, Ken-ichi YUKAWA, Hiromitsu NAITO
pp. 355-365
Use of reflected polarized light and crossed nicols in microscopic observation of the polished crosssection of the rust makes it possible to distinguish optically active layer (FeOOH) and optically isotropic one in the rust. In the atmospheric corrosion resisting steel, the metal surface is almost completely covered with the optically isotropic layer after long periods of exposure to the atmosphe e
The experimental results of X-ray diffraction and cathodic reduction of the rust indicated that this optically isotropic layer was composed of amorphous spinet type iron oxide. This amorphous iron oxide is considered to be a polymeric ol-compound. The enrichment of Cu, Cr and P in the optically isotropic layer was found by means of electron probe microanalysis.
It was deduced that the significant corrosion resistance of atmospheric corrosion resisting steels was attributed to the formation of this amorphous layer. Alloying elements, such as Cu, Cr and P, are possibly beneficial to the formation of this layer.
A Rapid Determination of Nitrogen in High Nitrogen Content Steel by Inert Gas Fusion-Gas Chromatography
Shoki SATO, Kaname TATE
pp. 366-372
Inert gas fusion-gas chromatographic method was applied to the determination of nitrogen in steel.
The flow rate bf argon used for inert gas fusion was about 830ml/min, and the extraction was done at 2000°C for 3min. The condition for gas chromatograph was as follows; column length: 2m, column temperature: 40°C flow rate of argon: 100ml/min, and detector current: 190mA. The absorbent was activated charcoal.
Reproducibility of analytical results by proposed method has been proved to be excellent; coefficient of variation was 0.44%. Analytical results by this method had the same accuracy as that by JIS method. Time for analysis was about 10min. As the results, it is possible to use this method for determination of nitrogen in steel during steelmaking process.
Study on Chemical Analysis of Nonmetallic Inclusion in Steel
pp. 381-401
鉄と鋼 Vol.49(1963), No.2
鉄と鋼 Vol.54(1968), No.8
鉄と鋼 Vol.53(1967), No.7
Iron and Steel Industry in the U. S. from the View Point of Can Materials
Etsuro SHUTO
pp. 402-409
07 Mar. (Last 30 Days)
Wettability of CaS Against Molten Iron at 1873 K
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Surface defect detection of continuous casting slabs based on deep learning
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Perspectives on the Promising Pathways to Zero Carbon Emissions in the Steel Industry toward 2050
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Coating Structure and Corrosion Mechanism of Zn-19%Al-6%Mg Alloy Coating Layer
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Structure of Metallic Iron Formed in Iron Ores by CO-H2 Reduction
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Effect of Heating Rate on the Non-Isothermal Hydrogen Reduction of Hematite Pellets
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