On the Pressure Drops in Fluidized Roasting of Pyrite Cinders
Kazuhisa Okajima, Michio Inouye, Kokichi Sano
pp. 595-600
Prior to performance of fundamental experiments on the chemical process utilized the fluidized bed of the dry decopperization of pyrite cinders, it was seemed necessary to determine the fluidization characteristics.
The reaction tube was made of 2.4cm diameter silica tube and a perforated porcelain plate was used as supporting disc for the sample and silica particles packed with object of preventing falling of the sample.
Pressure drops across the bed of pyrite-cinder particles in the silica tube were measured at decreasing air velocities.
Fluidization tests were run on the 100-150 mesh seven pyrite cinders first and then the works were extended to 200-250 mesh cinder and 65-250 mesh mixture of sized containing four components.
The trends of pressure drops vs. air velocities for 100-150 mesh samples were retraced with good reproducibility below the temperatures in the range from 950 to 1050°C, while at this temperature range the abrupt changes of pressure drops occurred with decreasing velocities, the fluidization ceased and the air-blew through the center of the bed. Other sizes gave similar results.