材料と環境 Vol. 71 (2022), No. 9
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21 Feb. (Last 30 Days)
材料と環境 Vol. 71 (2022), No. 9
服部 康男, 須藤 仁, 木原 直人, 平口 博丸, 谷 純一
pp. 253-262
Aiming to an improvement for estimating deposition distributions of sea-salt particles at surfaces of a structure, including an airborne sea-salt and a corrosion sensor, we performed numerical simulations for approaching flows with particles around a vertical-flat plate, which is a typical object and mimics a sensor with a support plate, by using a CFD model based on a URANS. After validation and verification through comparison with existing studies for flows with particles around a cylinder, we examined changes in particle impaction efficiencies to the plate with the approaching flow directions (0, 45 deg) and particle diameters. The impaction efficiencies rapidly increase with particle diameters, while the flow direction effects are small. Such increases in impaction efficiencies are due to contributions of inertial impaction, and thus the Stokes number with the flow speed and the plate size is available for predicting the flow and particle conditions of the increases in impact efficiencies. The efficiencies of small particles on the plate are apparently large compared with those on a cylinder; the impactions of small particles on the plate are locally activated with flow separations around a bluff body, whereas these on a cylinder are caused by interceptions without flow separations.
森 ゆきの, 西田 義勝, 莊司 浩雅
pp. 263-270
We researched the corrosion behavior and the corrosion resistance of hot-dip galvanized steel in saturated Ca(OH)2 aqueous solution containing chloride ion (Cl-) and in concrete. In saturated Ca(OH)2 aqueous solution, which simulated the water in the concrete pores, Ca(Zn(OH)3)2・2H2O was formed on the surface of hot-dip galvanized steel. The corrosion rate of Zn increased as the Cl- concentration increased. Corrosion products; Zn5 (OH)8Cl2・H2O and CaCO3 were formed and the coverage of Ca(Zn(OH)3)2・2H2O decreased. On the other hands, in concrete, corrosion of hot dipped galvanized steel was not promoted by the cyclic corrosion test. It maybe because Cl- penetrated into concrete did not reach the depth of galvanized steel and Ca(Zn(OH)3)2・2H2O formed during curing of concrete remained after the cyclic corrosion test
21 Feb. (Last 30 Days)
Wettability of CaS Against Molten Iron at 1873 K
ISIJ International Vol.65(2025), No.2
Surface defect detection of continuous casting slabs based on deep learning
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Structure of Metallic Iron Formed in Iron Ores by CO-H2 Reduction
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Perspectives on the Promising Pathways to Zero Carbon Emissions in the Steel Industry toward 2050
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Characterization of the three-dimensional pore structure of coke using the maximal ball method
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Molecular Dynamics Analysis of the Mg2+ Structure Behavior in SiO2-CaO-Al2O3-MgO Slag System
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Coating Structure and Corrosion Mechanism of Zn-19%Al-6%Mg Alloy Coating Layer
ISIJ International Vol.65(2025), No.2
Preface to the Special Issue on "Effects of Cu and Other Tramp Elements on Steel Properties"
ISIJ International Vol.37(1997), No.3