材料と環境 Vol. 68 (2019), No. 4
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21 Feb. (Last 30 Days)
材料と環境 Vol. 68 (2019), No. 4
上庄 拓哉, 石井 龍太, 竹内 陽祐, 渡辺 正満, 津田 昌幸
pp. 88-91
It may be possible to estimate the hydrogen embrittlement process by statistically analyzing the fracture time of high strength steel. In this study, we derived transition probability λ(t) representing the degradation rate by statistically analyzing the fracture time of high strength steel using a stochastic process model. The analysis revealed that λ(t) decreased rapidly after the start of the test and then became a constant value. This behavior differs from general hydrogen entry behavior, suggesting that the fracture time of high strength steel is not uniquely determined only by the amount of hydrogen in the specimen.
浅田 照朗, 重永 勉, 礒本 良則
pp. 92-97
A new time accelerated testing method of corrosion resistance for electrodeposition coating steel was proposed in this study. This method is to measure a cut off voltage on environmental corrosion factors obtained by linearly increasing voltage of 1 V・s-1 within a few minute working time, in order to shorten an evaluation span of coating steels. The cut off voltage was measured for the cation electrodeposition coating steels of different coating thickness and different baking conditions after the coating process. As a result, the cut off voltage increased with the increase in thickness and crosslink density of the coating layer. The cut off voltage was well related to the blister initiation cycle number obtained by a cyclic corrosion test. The effectiveness of this method was then recognized. And ion permeability tests and FTIR analyses intimated penetration of ions and adsorption processes into the electrodeposition coating layer.
山崎 昇太, 吉田 正樹, 末武 佑介, 丸亀 和雄, 牛 立斌
pp. 98-104
Flow accelerated corrosion(FAC) tests on carbon steel in boiler feed water of power plants were carried out. The FAC of carbon steel was remarkably inhibited by adding film forming amines of Dodecylamine (DDA) and Octadecylamine (ODA) into the boiler water. Furthermore, the FAC inhibition mechanism of the film forming amines was investigated by polarization tests and zeta potential measurements. It was suggested that the film forming amines adsorbed on the steel surface and on the oxide film formed, inhibiting the corrosion reactions on the steel and protecting the oxide film, thereby the FAC was inhibited.
21 Feb. (Last 30 Days)
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Perspectives on the Promising Pathways to Zero Carbon Emissions in the Steel Industry toward 2050
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Characterization of the three-dimensional pore structure of coke using the maximal ball method
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Molecular Dynamics Analysis of the Mg2+ Structure Behavior in SiO2-CaO-Al2O3-MgO Slag System
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