材料と環境 Vol. 58 (2009), No. 10
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07 Mar. (Last 30 Days)
材料と環境 Vol. 58 (2009), No. 10
平出 信彦, 宗野 達久, 梶村 治彦
pp. 348-355
Reaction of Cr and Cr2O3 with NaCl were investigated in air at 673-973 K. In the presence of NaCl, mass gain of Cr was remarkably accelerated. Na2CrO4 and Cl2 were produced during heating Cr2O3 with NaCl. Na2CrO4, Cl2, CrCl2, CrCl3, and Cr2O3 were produced when Cr was heated with NaCl. Na2CrO4 and Cl2 were produced by the reaction of Cr with NaCl and O2. CrCl2 and CrCl3 were produced by the reaction of Cr with Cl2. Na2CrO4, CrCl2 and CrCl3 accelerated the oxidation of Cr.
中山 紀夫, 朝倉 祝治
pp. 356-362
Severe localized corrosion of steel pipes, buried in concrete/soil systems (known as macro-cell corrosion), is induced by cathodic reactions on those steel surfaces that are located in the concrete, accompanied by anodic reactions (i.e., corrosion) on those surfaces that are located in the soil. The addition of cathodic inhibitors to the concrete, in the form of cement admixtures, is therefore expected to be an effective means of suppressing this phenomenon. Concrete test specimens (ordinary Portland cement; water/cement ratio: 61%), containing uric acid as the inhibitor have been formulated and the inhibitory effect of uric acid on the macro-cell corrosion has been examined by the measurement, over 862 days, of the currents flowing between the steel (SGP) pipes embedded in the concrete test specimens and those buried in soil. Dry mixing of 10% uric acid by weight was shown to decrease the currents, which indicates that macro-cell corrosion can be effectively controlled by uric acid. Addition of 0.3 or 3% uric acid was ineffective. This tendency was also supported by the results of weight-loss measurements of steel pipes buried in soil. The inhibitory effect becomes more predominant as the measurement time increases (inhibition efficiencies: 64% for 0-862 days, 78-91% for 297-862 days).
07 Mar. (Last 30 Days)
Wettability of CaS Against Molten Iron at 1873 K
ISIJ International Vol.65(2025), No.2
Surface defect detection of continuous casting slabs based on deep learning
ISIJ International 早期公開
Perspectives on the Promising Pathways to Zero Carbon Emissions in the Steel Industry toward 2050
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Coating Structure and Corrosion Mechanism of Zn-19%Al-6%Mg Alloy Coating Layer
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Structure of Metallic Iron Formed in Iron Ores by CO-H2 Reduction
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Effect of Heating Rate on the Non-Isothermal Hydrogen Reduction of Hematite Pellets
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