齋藤 博之
pp. 161-161
材料と環境 Vol.40(1991), No.6
材料と環境 Vol.47(1998), No.3
材料と環境 Vol.47(1998), No.3
Vol. 74 (2025)
Vol. 73 (2024)
Vol. 72 (2023)
Vol. 71 (2022)
Vol. 70 (2021)
Vol. 69 (2020)
Vol. 68 (2019)
Vol. 67 (2018)
Vol. 66 (2017)
Vol. 65 (2016)
Vol. 64 (2015)
Vol. 63 (2014)
Vol. 62 (2013)
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Vol. 59 (2010)
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Vol. 52 (2003)
Vol. 51 (2002)
Vol. 50 (2001)
Vol. 49 (2000)
Vol. 48 (1999)
Vol. 47 (1998)
Vol. 46 (1997)
Vol. 45 (1996)
Vol. 44 (1995)
Vol. 43 (1994)
Vol. 42 (1993)
Vol. 41 (1992)
Vol. 40 (1991)
齋藤 博之
pp. 161-161
材料と環境 Vol.40(1991), No.6
材料と環境 Vol.47(1998), No.3
材料と環境 Vol.47(1998), No.3
荒牧 國次
pp. 162-168
Inhibition mechanisms of adsorption and precipitation inhibitors for metallic corrosion in acid solutions were discussed based on the hard and soft acids and bases principle. A markedly high inhibition efficiency of decamethyleneimine(CH2)10 NH was explained by the formation of a stable chemisorption bond between Fe surface(soft acid) and N atom of the imine(soft base) caused by strain in the ring. Inhibition of cationic electrostatic adsorption inhibitors, back-donation inhibitors, dibenzylsulfoxide, propargyl alcohol, bismuth ion and benzylthiocyanate were also discussed on the basis of the principle.
原田 宏紀, 面田 真孝, 大塚 真司, 河野 崇史
pp. 171-177
To develop high strength steel with high resistance to hydrogen embrittlement, it is necessary to clarify the mechanism of hydrogen entry into steel. Hydrogen entry is caused by corrosion reaction under atmospheric environment. However, the relationship between hydrogen entry and corrosion behavior, and the influence of environmental factors on the hydrogen entry such as temperature, relative humidity(RH) and salt deposition are not fully understood. In this study, simultaneous monitoring of both hydrogen entry and corrosion rate was employed to investigate the influence of environmental factors on hydrogen entry and corrosion behavior. The monitoring was conducted under the atmospheric exposure test.As a result, hydrogen entry and corrosion rate increased with increase of amount of salt deposition. Corrosion rate increased with increase of RH, whereas hydrogen entry had a maximum at medium RH. The mechanism of promotion of the hydrogen entry at medium RH range was assumed to be related to lowering pH due to hydrolysis of Fe3+ in high [Cl-] environment.
松永 恵里, 美濃谷 直志, 津田 昌幸
pp. 178-181
This paper presents a coating-type sensor for more efficient remote inspection of infrastructures that are large in scale and have complicated shapes. For crack detection, electromagnetic waves at around 0.2~2.0 GHz penetrated the coating sensor film, and we observed the reflected waves. Measurement and simulation results confirmed that the sensor detects cracks occurring in the coated films with lengths of about 15% on one side of the sensor.
堀江 俊男, 北原 学
pp. 182-186
Painted steel panel uses for automotive body. Therefore, assessments of painted steel corrosion protecting life are important. Automotive body is exposed to various atmospheric environments. Atmospheric environmental factors (temperature, humidity, adhering salt type, etc.) are influenced on corrosion protecting life of the painted steel. In order to evaluate the corrosion protection performance in a short time, we study evaluation of coating film degradation using EIS (Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy). As a result, it was found that coating thickness, adhesion salt type and presence/absence of freezing process may contribute to degradation of corrosion protection performance.
中野 敦, 押川 渡, 米沢 昇
pp. 187-193
A four-year atmospheric exposure test was performed on steel with Zn-30mass%Al thermal-spray coating using the accelerated atmospheric exposure test, and atmospheric corrosion properties was evaluated. X-ray diffraction results showed that the corrosion products which formed on the coating film as a result of the accelerated atmospheric exposure test were the same as those which formed in a typical atmospheric exposure test. The amount of corrosion of the spray-coated film in the accelerated atmospheric exposure test was promoted by approximately 1.5 to 2.0 times compared to the atmospheric exposure test.
31 Mar. (Last 30 Days)
ISIJ International Vol.65(2025), No.2
鉄と鋼 早期公開
ISIJ International 早期公開
ISIJ International Vol.65(2025), No.2
ISIJ International 早期公開
鉄と鋼 Vol.111(2025), No.4