加藤 善大
pp. 1-2
システム/制御/情報 Vol.34(2021), No.10
日本エネルギー学会誌 Vol.101(2022), No.1
Vol. 74 (2025)
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21 Feb. (Last 30 Days)
加藤 善大
pp. 1-2
システム/制御/情報 Vol.34(2021), No.10
日本エネルギー学会誌 Vol.101(2022), No.1
篠原 正
pp. 6-12
The author has studied corrosion and protection of metals by developing measurement systems and evaluation methods for measured data for more than 40 years. The author also chaired important committees, “Corrosion Seminar”, “Cost of Corrosion in Japan” and so on, and disseminated widely significance of study on corrosion and protection of metals. In this review, research and dissemination activities of author were surveyed and remained issues were also commented.
材料と環境 Vol.68(2019), No.11
材料と環境 Vol.69(2020), No.12
材料と環境 Vol.70(2021), No.12
板垣 昌幸, 猪平 かな穂, 渡辺 日香里, 四反田 功, 並松 沙樹, 垣野内 隆一郎, 星 芳直
pp. 13-20
Due to the strong alkalinity of the healthy concrete environment, a protective passivation film is formed on the surface of rebar and corrosion of the rebar is suppressed. However, there is a problem that rebars in concrete are corroded by external factors and the structure deteriorates. In order to understand the corrosive state of the rebar, it is necessary to grasp the surface condition of the rebar in concrete. Corrosion state of the rebar in concrete can be evaluated by measuring the electrochemical impedance. However, when the passive film is formed, the impedance describes only part of semicircle on the Nyquist plane, and it may be difficult to determine the passive film resistance. In this study, we evaluated the corrosive environment of rebars in concrete from admittance analysis with probe electrodes which are embedded in concrete. When the passive film was formed, a semicircle was observed in the admittance spectrum transformed from the impedance measurement results, and the film resistance could be obtained from the low frequency limit. In addition, probe electrodes were embedded in the concrete structure of viaduct of the Tokaido Shinkansen, and the corrosive state of rebar in concrete was investigated by using admittance analysis.
土井 康太郎, 廣本 祥子
pp. 21-29
By increasing oxygen (partial) pressure (O2 pressure) supplied to saturated Ca(OH)2 solution, formation of calcium hydroxy zincate (Ca(Zn(OH)3)2・2H2O, CHZ) which improves the corrosion resistance of zinc was accelerated and the density of the CHZ layer increased. An oxygen reduction reaction, which is the rate-limiting process of the CHZ formation, was enhanced with the increase in the supplied O2 pressure. The higher the O2 pressure supplied to the saturated Ca(OH)2 solution, the shorter the period for the improvement of corrosion resistance of zinc. This is because the accelerated formation of insulating CHZ rapidly reduced the exposed metal surface of zinc.
21 Feb. (Last 30 Days)
ISIJ International Vol.65(2025), No.2
ISIJ International 早期公開
ISIJ International 早期公開
ISIJ International Vol.65(2025), No.2
ISIJ International 早期公開
ISIJ International 早期公開
ISIJ International Vol.65(2025), No.2
ISIJ International Vol.37(1997), No.3