材料と環境 Vol. 66 (2017), No. 9
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21 Feb. (Last 30 Days)
材料と環境 Vol. 66 (2017), No. 9
橘 正彦
pp. 289-298
The supersensitive measurement method for general electric circuit was applied to the ECP measurement method in high temperature water which simulated BWR temperature condition. Some issues which concerned with the measurement were clarified. Additionally, the countermeasures were divided to reduce measurement errors.
時枝 寛之, 岡本 樹, 星 芳直, 四反田 功, 板垣 昌幸
pp. 299-304
We developed a probe electrode for impedance measurement to investigate of rebar corrosion in concrete. Impedance measurements of the electrode in an aqueous solution simulating the transition zone of concrete and rebar interface were carried out. The charge transfer resistance Rct obtained from the two point frequency measurement results by the method developed by Haruyama and Tsuru almost agreed with Rct estimated by spectral measurement. It was also confirmed that Rct was drastically decreased by de-passivation following the decrease in pH. Furthermore, impedance measurement of the probe electrode in concrete specimen was carried out.It was confirmed that Rct was small when the depth of setting the probe electrode was shallow. It was concluded that the state of the rebar/concrete interface can be evaluated by Rct of the probe electrode installed in the concrete.
21 Feb. (Last 30 Days)
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