小堀 研一, 石黒 和也, 久津輪 敏郎
pp. 97-105
In general, B?Reps model is used for three dimensional model creation. In recent years, the octree data structure gets into the spotlight as the computer technology makes rapid progress. Although several conversion algorithms of B?Reps into the octree data structure were proposed, former methods could not apply to B?Reps models with a concave shape. This paper describes a new conversion approach of a concave polyhedron into the octree data structure model. The proposed method consists of four processes, dividing a concave polygon into several convex polygons, determining whether octants intersect polygons, searching inner octants and calculating the volume occupied by a B?Reps object. Several experimental results show that the method is effective for the concave polyhedron and high conversion accuracy is obtained.