塩谷 政典, 塩瀬 隆之, 青野 通匡
pp. 391-400
A large number of scheduling systems for steel production processes have been developed so far. However, many of the systems have not been used because of their failure to satisfy the operators. This failure was caused by so many illogical operational constraints and objective functions to be considered that it was difficult to present a schedule to meet the needs of the operators. In order to develop a successful scheduler for a steel production process, it is essential to design an easy-touse user interface and an optimization engine which can promptly prepare a high quality schedule. This interactive scheduler needs to provide a huge amount of information in response to the user requirements and also improve the schedule step by step upon obtaining the user's consent. We demonstrated the effect of this interactive scheduler by applying it to a cast scheduling at real works.
システム/制御/情報 Vol.30(2017), No.7
日本エネルギー学会誌 Vol.99(2020), No.12
ISIJ International Vol.57(2017), No.1