藤田 淳也, 辻 大輔, 矢沢 澄仁, 坂本 篤郎, 澤田 賢治, 金子 修
pp. 1-11
Industrial control systems (ICSs) such as supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems necessitate an analytical process for the delineation of security countermeasures, grounded in a rigorous assessment of associated risks. Nevertheless, the process is impeded due to the requirement of extensive manual labor hours by engineering professionals. In response to this formidable challenge, we herein propose an innovative model expressly for the determination of pertinent security countermeasures for ICSs. Our proposed model is meticulously developed based on the principles and framework of both the “Cyber Kill-Chain” and the “Defense-in-Depth” models. Through application of our model, it is possible to efficiently identify and prioritize the crucial points that necessitate immediate address. This is achieved without the prerequisite of having detailed models of the security countermeasures available at hand. The model thereby facilitates the identification of cost-effective security measures with a degree of efficiency and accuracy.