嶺 勝敏, 森本 祐治, 北崎 正人
pp. 439-442
We have proposed methods of n Alternating Noise Canceling (ANC), one using a dual sensor and another using one sensor for the purpose of canceling noise on the transmission line when we measure the changing temperature.
In this paper, we discuss a new method of ANC using a sensordummy. We make two signals by switching between the sensor output signals and the sensor-dummys. Even if the frequency band of the noise overlaps that of signal, the noise-canceling is possible using this method which cancels not only the noise on the transmission line, but also extraneous noise picked up by the sensor. In this case, the switching frequency of the analog switch should be four times in the Nyquist frequency the maximum frequency of the noise to be canceled. The accuracy of this method has been verified with experiments.