Effect of Al2O3, ZrO2, Ce2O3 and MgO particles with mean diameter of 0.8 to 1.5 μm on the precipitation of TiN during solidification and holding at 1 400°C has been studied in an Fe–10mass%Ni alloy. The values for the number of particles per unit area, NA, and the mean diameter, dA, of TiN and TiN+MxOy(M=Al, Zr, Ce, and Mg) particles have been measured as a function of initial contents of Ti (50 to 990 mass ppm) and N (200 to 290 mass ppm), and holding time (0 and 60 min). The NA values of the TiN+MgO particles are considerably higher than those of the TiN+MxOy(M=Al, Zr, and Ce) particles, while the dA values of the former particles, which are found to be independent of solidification mode, are smaller than those of the latter particles. The dA values of TiN and TiN+MxOy(M=Al, Zr, and Ce) particles in dendritic solidification are smaller than those in nondendritic one, whereas an opposite trend is observed with respect to the NA values. The dA values of the TiN and TiN+MxOy particles were found to remain unchanged, but the NA values tended to slightly increase with holding time.