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Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers Vol. 2 (1989), No. 5

ISIJ International
ONLINE ISSN: 2185-811X
PRINT ISSN: 1342-5668


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Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers Vol. 2 (1989), No. 5

Optimum Gain Design for Hydraulic Screw-Down AGC

Akira KITAMURA, Kazuo NOSE, Masami KONISHI, Takamasa NAKADA

pp. 147-154


This paper describes a method how to design optimum control gains for hydraulic screw-down AGC systems. In this method, control algorithm is fixed and just the control gains are optimized. The problems treated here are gaugemeter AGC and absolute AGC which has a zero in its transfer function. Applying the optimum regulator, the Riccati equation with compatibility conditions are analytically solved to find the optimum gains. As a result, these gains are proved to be a function of a plastic coefficient of the rolling material, mill constant and parameters which characterize the dynamic response of the electro-hydraulic mechanism. This method is successfully applied to the AGC for plate rolling mill as a gain optimization system. As a result, the gauge deviation has shown a decrease of 35 % in average, compared with that before application.


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Optimum Gain Design for Hydraulic Screw-Down AGC

Asynchronous Characteristics of Reluctance Motor with No Rotor Winding


pp. 155-160


Steady state characteristics of a reluctance motor with no rotor winding, such as VR stepping motor, are the same as those of a conventional reluctance motor, but asynchronous characteristics of it are different from those of conventional reluctance motor.
In this paper, asynchronous characteristics of a reluctance motor with no rotor winding are discussed. Equations for calculation of average torque and alternating torque are derived using motor constants. Based on these equations, starting torque characteristics and alternating torque characteristics are investigated.
Further, the speed-torque characteristics in asynchronous operation are discussed.
The maximum torque, the slip at the maximum torque and the relations among motor constants for having drooping speed-torque characteristics are investigated.
In the manner described above, technical data for the reluctance motor with no rotor winding are obtained which are useful for the applications and design of such reluctance motors.


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Asynchronous Characteristics of Reluctance Motor with No Rotor Winding

Lift-off Compensation for Vibrating Amplitude Meter Using a Capacitive Transducer

Haruo ITO, Kiyoaki KIKUCHI, Akira SUZUKI

pp. 161-165


Vibrating amplitude measurment using a condenser sensor has a weak point that measuring sensitivity varies by the distance between the probe and the vibrating body (lift-off).
This paper describes an instrumental technique suitable for industrial-measurement of the vibrating amplitude in the range 1-100, μm.
In order to achieve constant sensitivity against lift-off changes, the two kinds of power sources are supplied in series with the vibrating body and the probe. One is a DC source and the other is an AC (high frequency) source. The resulting composite signal are separated into two signals by a low and a high pass filter. Low frequency component (eOL) is proportional to the vibrating amplitude and inversely proportional to the lift-off squared. High frecancey component (eOH) is inversely proportional to the lift-off. Then lift-off compensation is achieved by performing an operation (eOL/e2OH) on an electronic circuit.
When the efective area of the probe is 4.11mm2, the lift-off compensation covers from 0.2mm to 2.0mm within the error of 5 %.


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Lift-off Compensation for Vibrating Amplitude Meter Using a Capacitive Transducer

Fuzzy Simulation and Its Application to Environmental Prediction

Yoshiteru NAKAMORI, Mikiko KAINUMA

pp. 166-174


In model building for urban enviroment, we often enconunter the difficulty of structure identification and the lack of homogeneity in data. To cope with these problems, we are developing a modeling support system to utilize objective information and subjective knowledge effectively. In this paper we propose a fuzzy modeling technique with a visual and stepwise clustering method, and a fuzzy simulation technique for reasonable scenario input and interpretation of the model behavior. We present an application of the proposed techniques to an urban environmental problem.


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Fuzzy Simulation and Its Application to Environmental Prediction

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23 Jan. (Last 30 Days)

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