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Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers Vol. 2 (1989), No. 4

ISIJ International
ONLINE ISSN: 2185-811X
PRINT ISSN: 1342-5668


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Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers Vol. 2 (1989), No. 4

Design and Implementation of an Oriental Medicine Expert System

Shinzo KITAMURA, Shigeki TSUJI, Katsumi TANAKA, Katsuhiko MATSUMOTO, Hideki MORI

pp. 109-117


This paper describes the design and implementation of an oriental medicine expert system. During the development of our first prototype system, several problems and required facilities for supporting the diagnosis of the oriental medicine have been identified. Especially the importance of increasing the “visibility” and the “changeability” of the expert system is identified during this development. Intuitively, high visibility means that an expert system is open enough to users, and that users can see what is in the knowledge-base and what is going on in the expert system. High changeability means that users have much freedom in deciding the system's inference mechanism and the knowledge-base actually used. In this paper, first, we propose a conceptual architecture for realizing an expert system with high visibility and changeability. This architecture consists of (1) “conceptual schema” based on is-a and part-of relationships, (2) “rule-base schema”, and (3) “object-oriented” user interface. Next, we describe our prototype oriental medicine expert system which was implemented based on the above conceptual architecture.


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Design and Implementation of an Oriental Medicine Expert System

Trajectory Planning of a Biped Locomotive Robot


pp. 118-127


This paper studies the trajectory planning of a biped locomotive robot from the following standpoints.
* Only the position and velocity of the center of gravity of robot in the forward direction for each step are given a priori.
* It is supposed that the center of gravity of the robot moves like an inverted pendulum.
* The neural network like Hopfield's type solves the inverse kinematics so as to obtain the joint positions in the world coodinate from the positions of the supporting toe and of the center of gravity calculated from an equation of inverted pedulum.
* The method was examined by simulation studies. They showed satisfactory results in stationary walking and also the robustness for impulsive disturbances. The proposed method therefore provides a simplified version for the autonomous trajectory planning.


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Trajectory Planning of a Biped Locomotive Robot

On Constitution of an Adaptive Observer by Use of the Passive Adaptive Loop

Kazuhiro INOUE, Kazuhisa OBA, Hazime KAWANO, Kazuo INOUE

pp. 128-134


Generally, to estimate the state variables of a plant with unknown parameters, an adaptive observer has been proposed. An adaptive observer identifies the unknown parameters and estimates the state variables. We propose an adaptive observer with a passive adaptive loop by use of an approximately inverse functional compensator. It is able to estimate the state variables without the unknown parameters identification, and the adaptive observer is not nesessary to satisfy the condition of richness of, the input signal. The constitution of the adaptive observer is simple, because it dose not have the identifier.
In this paper, the construction, the stability, the estimation error, and the performance of the system are described and the simulated result of the proposed observer is given.


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On Constitution of an Adaptive Observer by Use of the Passive Adaptive Loop

Design of Servomechanism for Nonlinear Digital Systems

Jun-Jie XU, Kazumasa HIRAI

pp. 135-140


In this paper, the servomechanism synthesis for nonlinear digital systems is considered. Nonlinear characteristics are often found in modeling systems. Nonlinear digital systems with input-channel nonlinearity are treated. Firstly, we present feedback laws that ensure the stability of compensated nonlinear digital systems. Next, using these results, we derive sufficient conditions in order for the controlled systems to satisfy the desired servomechanism performance.


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Design of Servomechanism for Nonlinear Digital Systems


小林 伸明, 中溝 高好, 笹島 良夫

pp. 144-146


[in Japanese]


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