
日本エネルギー学会誌 Vol. 98 (2019), No. 7

ISIJ International
オンライン版ISSN: 1882-6121
冊子版ISSN: 0916-8753
発行機関: The Japan Institute of Energy


  1. Vol. 104 (2025)

  2. Vol. 103 (2024)

  3. Vol. 102 (2023)

  4. Vol. 101 (2022)

  5. Vol. 100 (2021)

  6. Vol. 99 (2020)

  7. Vol. 98 (2019)

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  12. Vol. 93 (2014)

  13. Vol. 92 (2013)

  14. Vol. 91 (2012)

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  21. Vol. 84 (2005)

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  34. Vol. 71 (1992)

日本エネルギー学会誌 Vol. 98 (2019), No. 7


住友 俊哉, 秋澤 淳, 池上 貴志, 中山 政行

pp. 149-156


This study focuses on the solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) cogeneration system for commercial buildings. SOFCs are considered to be suitable for buildings with low thermal demand because of the high power generation efficiency. The objective of this study is to analyze the effects of SOFC installation into various commercial buildings from energy saving and economic aspects using optimization minimizing the system cost. Primary energy reduction rate was used as the indicator of the energy saving performance. The results showed that SOFCs are effective to reduce primary energy consumption for all the buildings analyzed in this study. Based on the analysis of the optimal installation, it is suggested that SOFCs economically perform better for the buildings such as hospitals, hotels and restaurants with hot water demand than for offices without hot water demand. Restaurants operating for 24 hours are expected to be a promising candidate of SOFC, which can accept the cost of SOFC as high as 1.05 million yen per kilowatt. Furthermore, sensitivity analysis on the effects of SOFC installation based on renewable energy levy showed that installation of SOFCs would be promoted strongly for buildings with high electricity demand.








Hydrogen Sorption and Cyclic Compressor Performance of V40Ti21.5Cr33.5M5 (M= Nb, Zr, Fe) Alloys

Suganthamalar SELVARAJ, Ankur JAIN, Hiroki MIYAOKA, Yoshitsugu KOJIMA, Takayuki ICHIKAWA

pp. 157-164


In order to improve the compressor cycling stability and hydrogen storage properties of V40Ti21.5Cr38.5 alloy further, the fourth element i.e. Niobium, Iron, or Zirconium has been substituted for Cr to prepare V40Ti21.5Cr33.5M5 alloy and their cyclic hydrogen absorption-desorption performance was evaluated up to 100 cycles for temperature and pressure ranges of 20-300 °C and 5-20 MPa, respectively. All the three compositions have shown different sorption properties as well as cyclic stability. The V40Ti21.5Cr33.5Nb5 alloy was found a most suitable composition with a comparatively high hydrogen capacity and reasonable stability after 50 cycles of compressor cyclic test, whereas, V40Ti21.5Cr33.5Fe5 alloy has shown worst cyclic stability with lowest hydrogen capacity. However, structural and morphological investigations suggest no phase segregation during the cycling of V40Ti21.5Cr33.5Fe5 alloy in contrast to the other alloys, which suggest that phase segregation is not the only responsible reason for the performance degradation of BCC alloys employed for compressor cycle. In some cases similar to V40Ti21.5Cr33.5Fe5, stress/strain formation in the lattice during cycling may also cause the degradation of the material.




50 t/d O2/CO2吹き二段噴流床石炭ガス化炉による実証試験と商用炉への展開

石井 弘実, 多田 宏明, 高島 竜平, 山本 潤一郎, 横濱 克彦

pp. 165-170


Oxy-fuel IGCC is developed as a CO2 recovery type power generation system with high thermal efficiency. In order to verify O2/CO2 blown gasification process applied to the oxy-fuel IGCC, O2/CO2 blown gasification tests were conducted with a coal throughput of 50 tons per one day (50 t/d) scale for the first time. It was confirmed that slag discaharging characteristics was smooth and that the gasifier can be operated stably under O2/CO2 blown conditons. As a result of measurement of major syngas components, it was shown that the performance of 50 t/d gasifier can be predicted by existing simulation method. Hydrocarbon measurement in the syngas was carried out in O2/CO2 blown gasification, and it was suggested that the amout of hydrocarbon can be adjusted by tuning the operating parameters. Furthermore, applicability to a commercial scale oxy-fuel IGCC system was examined by applying the simulation confirmed in the gasification test.




50 t/d O2/CO2吹き二段噴流床石炭ガス化炉による実証試験と商用炉への展開







