佐々木 博明, 谷口 博, 森田 光宣, 新井 紀男
pp. 1061-1069
We have to keep our energy use for room heating in winter season which is just the same situation as food of human being in cold regions. However, it is not so clear for our recent research target to keep the energy resources and check its saving system. If we consider the living style in warm or hot regions, it is possible to neglect the energy use of room heating, but not to neglect it in cold regions. Therefore, we have to discuss how to keep the energy resources and how to check the energy conservation and environmental pollution. When we consider the effective use of unutilized energy for the above items, the largest one will be a summation of exhaust energy from each consummer of domestic site, industry site or traffic site. This exhaust energy may be occupied by 50 percent or more of total energy consumption. Then, it is necessary to develop a technical system of its effective use and to select a moderate hardware for the above operation. Now, many national projects have been introduced to develop the effective use of unutilized energy and support its application.
日本エネルギー学会誌 Vol.80(2001), No.11
日本エネルギー学会誌 Vol.80(2001), No.9
日本エネルギー学会誌 Vol.80(2001), No.3