菅原 彰, 黒澤 茂, 安田 肇, 羽鳥 浩章, 杉浦 孝志, 斉藤 一史
pp. 81-87
Agency of Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) has been con-ducting R&D oncoal conversion technologies in Japan. New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) has been carrying out some R&D pro-jects on coal conversion technologies as a part of “New Sunshine Program” lead by AIST. Coal liquefaction and gasification are major concern for NEDO and the overview of the R&D projects up-dated is presented in this paper. In addition, new concept and ambi-tion of R&D on coal conversion technologies are also outlined. Key Words Coal conversion, Coal liquefaction, 150 t/d pilot plant, Coal hydrogasification, Ambition