島野 哲, 朝倉 祝治
pp. 39-45
The authors proposes an innovative technology “Molten Salt Redox Combustion Energy System”, that includes the flameless combustion in molten salt. This system generates a high temperature without dis-charging pollutants coming from combustion of fuels. At the same time, it is possible to recover the pure carbon dioxide.
This system characterized by coupling two redox reactions occurring at different places, separately. At one place, the oxidation of the redox couple by air proceeds, while at the other, the reduction reaction with fuels does.
This system is ready for giving the following advantages.
·Pure carbon dioxide from the combustion of fuels can be recovered.
·Thermal NOx is not generated, because of relatively low temperature reactions.
·Sulfur, nitrogen and chlorine compounds in fuels are caught in molten salt as sulfates, nitrates and chlorides of alkali metals.
·The mix fuels of a variety of compositions can be applied.
·A few kinds of oxidation-reduction couples can provide the chemical heat pump effect.
As the first step of developing this combustion system, the authors describe the theoretical concept and discusses it feasibility based on the chemical thermodynamics. The promising redox couples were found successfully.