
日本エネルギー学会誌 Vol. 79 (2000), No. 1

ISIJ International
オンライン版ISSN: 1882-6121
冊子版ISSN: 0916-8753
発行機関: The Japan Institute of Energy


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日本エネルギー学会誌 Vol. 79 (2000), No. 1

71MWe PFBC実証機におけるSO2排出と脱硫機構

阿部 力也, 笹津 浩司, 原田 達朗, 三沢 信博, 辻 泰次郎, 後藤 秀樹

pp. 57-68


Desulfurization extent in the 71MWe PFBC demonstration plant was analyzed in terms of operational parameters and morphology of the desulfurizing bed material. High removal level of SO2 achieved in PFBC in spite of high CO2 partial pressure was correlated not with the temperature of the bed but with the temperature of the exhaust gas (Tg), suggesting that the emission of SO2 is governed by the decomposition of CaSO4 flying out from the boiler. The residence time in the fluidized bed did not influence the level of SO2 emission, indicating the saturation of desulfurization reaction in the bed within rather short time . The sorbent particles in the bed had CaSO4 layer of 30-40μm thickness on the surface . Since the calcium minerals produced are porous in the core as well as in the skin, such observation suggests the formation of CaO at the bottom of the furnace where the CO2 partial pressure was sufficiently low for the decomposition of CaCO3. The skin of material was eroded to expose the active surface for further desulfurization. Such CaO of sufficient amount in the bed adsorbs SO2 very rapidly to complete the desulfurization in the bed . Hense the concentration of SO2 in the flue gas is determined by the reaction CaSO4+CO→CaCO3+SO2 in the freeboard. This reaction appears in equilibrium since a fair linear correlation was observed between ln (PSO2/PCO) and 1/Tg.




71MWe PFBC実証機におけるSO2排出と脱硫機構

150ton/day NEDOL法石炭液化パイロットプラントスラリー予熱器における有効スラリー粘度および熱伝導度

石橋 宏仁, 小野崎 正樹, 大井 章市, 西林 隆裕, 小林 正俊, 林 潤一郎, 伊藤 博徳, 千葉 忠俊

pp. 69-83


In order to investigate the influence of coal property and its slurry concentration on the operability of the preheater at the 150ton/day NEDOL coal liquefaction pilot plant, the pressure drop as well as the temperatures of tube skin and coal slurry was measured along the length of a hairpin-shaped tube (72mmφI.D.×94mmφO.D., 440m in length) of the slurry preheater. Different concentration of coal slurry was prepared for three kinds of coal by using their recycle oil. The measurement of pressure drop and temperatures were conducted under the conditions of coal slurry concentration of 40-50wt% and the gas/slurry feed ratio of 0.27-0.35Nm3-gas/kg-slurry.
The results showed that the increase in the pressure drop was observed for Ikeshima bituminous coal, probably due to the swelling of coal particle, whereas little increase was for Tanito Harum subbituminous coal and Adaro brown coal. By simplifying the flow in the tube as a two-phase flow of gas and slurry, the effective viscosity and thermal conductivity of the slurry in the preheater were analyzed.





150ton/day NEDOL法石炭液化パイロットプラントスラリー予熱器における有効スラリー粘度および熱伝導度







