二宮 善彦, 水越 裕治, 増井 芽, 崔 洪, 張 立安, 金岡 千嘉男, 大谷 吉生
pp. 762-768
To decrease the volume of sewage sludge and convert it to the resources, a unique compact sludge-melting furnace was developed. A dehydrated sludge was fed directly in the furnace by snake pump and oxygen enriched air by PSA unit was used for melting the sludge at a temperature of approximately 1350°C. Incinerated exhaust gas was discharged from the top of the furnace, and was cooled down after secondary combustor. Due to achieving a mild combustion, the amount of generating of particulates and NOx in the exhaust gas decreased extremely. On the other hand, the melt slag discharged from the bottom of the fur-nace was crystallized on a crystallizing conveyer. In this paper, simulation model for combustion of dehydra-tion sludge in the furnace was developed. The experimental results of SO2 and CO2 concentrations in the exhaust gas and height of the sludge cone in combustion tests were in close agreement with those of the simulation.
日本エネルギー学会誌 Vol.85(2006), No.7
日本エネルギー学会誌 Vol.87(2008), No.9
日本エネルギー学会誌 Vol.88(2009), No.2