Elastic-Plastic Behaviour of RHS Column-to-H Beam Connection with Split-T Tension Type High Strength Bolted Connections
Tadashi ARAKAKI, Yukihiro HARADA, Koji MORITA
pp. 1-16
The purpose of the present study is to develop analytical model for RHS column-to-H beam connection with split-T tension type high strength bolted connections. The analytical model proposed in this study cosists of two elastic-plastic uni-axial springs at beam ends. The mechanical properties of the elasticplastic spring governing elastic-plastic behaviour of the connection, such as yield and ultimate strengths and initial stiffness, are determined according to several previous experimental and analytical studies. In order to investigate how the connection strength depends on axial load of the column member, the elastic-plastic behaviour of the connection is also analyzed by finite element method (FEM); the analytical yield strength is applicable if an axial compression ratio is lower than 0.5, the analytical ultimate one is applicable if the axial compression ratio is lower than 0.3.