A Study on Bending Strength of Solid Steel Column Joints by Partial Penetration Groove Weld
Seiichi SHIRAGA, Sho GOTO, Tsuyoshi TANAKA
pp. 110_1-110_10
In this study, tensile tests and bending tests were carried out to investigate elastic-plastic behavior of solid steel column joints by partial penetration groove weld. The bending tests results shows that the strength of column joints by partial penetration groove weld reached to the full plastic moment of column. Finite element analyses were carried out to investigate yield mechanisms at welds. The numerical analyses results shows that yield area is formed along the shear line at 45 degrees from the root of weld. In the limit analysis based on the slip line fields theory, mechanism of partial penetration groove weld assumed as the shear line at 45 degrees from the root was derived. Analytical results agree with tests results.