石崎 敬三, 岡田 恒男, 横谷 真一郎
pp. 471-474
Electro-magnetic flow pressure in the mercury pool was tested in various containers and conditions. The total pressure P along the center line was measured by the Pitot tube at the distance z from electrode tip. Obtained results showed that P increased proportionally to (I/D)2 at the fixed z, and P/(I/D)2=a-bz, a and b are dependent on the test container, especially current flow pattern. Low temperature fusible metal (Wood's metal) was melted by the soldering iron of various shape of copper rod, through which heat and current were applied on the metal. The width/depth ratio of penetration was nearly 2 at zero current, while it increased considerably with increase in time and (I/D)2 values. Cause of axial force acting on the pendent drop in welding was considered. It is the dynamic pressure due to electro-magnetic pressure difference in diverging currentfield.
溶接学会論文集 Vol.9(1991), No.1
溶接学会論文集 Vol.11(1993), No.1
溶接学会論文集 Vol.11(1993), No.4