Effect of the Chromium Content and Argon Bubbling in the Carbon Removal Rate from Low Carbon Liquid Steel under Reduced Pressure Condition
Takeo Inomoto, Michitaka Matsuo, Masataka Yano
pp. 1307-1314
A fundamental investigation of the carbon removal rate in the low-carbon-content region using a vacuum induction furnace (12 kg-scale, 600 kg-scale, and 7 t-scale) was carried out and the following results were obtained:1) A 12 kg-scale experiment aimed at elucidating the adsorption element effect in the decarburization reaction was carried out. The kinetic analysis of the experimental results obtained by using high-chromium steel and a former experimental study of low alloy steel showed that the reaction rate can be estimated using an integrated reaction rate. Moreover, by using this estimation method, the reaction rate of different scale experimental results can also be well predicted.2) Argon bubbling experimental results using a 7 t-scale vacuum induction furnace showed that the bubble burst under highly reduced pressure conditions can be considered to take place at the shallow depth of 40 mm. Furthermore, a major factor of reaction promotion in both 17 mass% Cr steel and low alloy steel can be estimated by the surface expansion and mass transfer promotion effect of bubble bursting.
ISIJ International Vol.38(1998), No.11
ISIJ International Vol.40(2000), No.5