Observation of Inclusion in Aluminum Deoxidized Iron
Kyoko Wasai, Kusuhiro Mukai, Akifumi Miyanaga
pp. 459-466
Aluminum-deoxidized iron at 1 873 K was solidified at 3 different cooling speed; (1) the ultra-rapid cooling of iron using twin rollers, (2) the quenching of iron into copper mold, and (3) the quenching of the iron-bearing crucible in a water bath; the most rapid cooling rate achieved with (1), which was probably about 105K/s, followed (2) and (3). Dendritic, maple-like, polygonal, network-like, coral-like and spherical inclusions were observed in the samples. The dendritic, maple-like and polygonal inclusions varied in size from several tens to a few μm and were classified as primary inclusions since their sizes were independent of cooling speed. However, the network-like and coral-like inclusions (in the sample cooled ultra-rapidly and quenched into copper mold), and spherical inclusions were classified as secondary inclusions since they decreased in sizewith increased cooling speed. A few large spherical inclusions, which would be primary inclusions, were also present.
The analysis of the electronic diffraction of the inclusions established that the α, γ, δ-alumina were presentas secondary inclusions. An amorphous silica spherical inclusion was also observed.
ISIJ International Vol.42(2002), No.7
ISIJ International Vol.42(2002), No.11
鉄と鋼 Vol.45(1959), No.7