Prediction and Disarming of Drain Sink Formation during Unsteady-state Bottom Teeming
Niklas Kojola, Shigeo Takagi, Shinichiro Yokoya, Pär Jönsson
pp. 1-9
The behavior of an unsteady-state drain sink as function of outlet diameter, outlet length, supernatant phase viscosity, supernatant phase density and supernatant phase layer thickness was studied using physical modeling. Two new hydrodynamic models for the prediction of the drain sink formation height were derived and compared to models found in literature. Both could accurately predict the drain sink formation height in their respective domain as function of all variables mentioned above, except supernatant phase viscosity since its influence on drain sink formation height was negligible in the experimental systems. Finally, the influence of the vessel bottom shape on the increased yield of a steel plant teeming operation is discussed.
ISIJ International Vol.49(2009), No.1
ISIJ International Vol.54(2014), No.7
ISIJ International Vol.49(2009), No.6