Solubility of MnS in Fe–Ni Alloys as Determined by In-situ Observation of Precipitation of MnS with a Confocal Scanning Laser Microscope
Norio Yuki, Hiroyuki Shibata, Toshihiko Emi
pp. 317-323
Solubility of MnS in Fe-Ni alloys has been investigated by "in-situ" observation with a confocal scanning laser microscope of specimens with various Mn, S and Ni contents which were heated and cooled in an infrared image furnace. Precipitation behavior of MnS at the surface of the specimens on cooling was monitored on a CRT and was recorded on videotape. Most MnS precipitates are found to form on alumina inclusion particles and grow in triangular (pyramidal) or rod-like shape. From precipitation temperatures obtained by the "in-situ" observation, the equilibrium constant of the reaction MnS←→Mn+S is determined as logK=log[%Mn][%S] f SMn= –9420/T+3.67, at T=1329–1493K for Fe–42mass%Ni alloy. The K value for γ-Fe at 1438K is in good agreement with that by Turkdogan et al., and Ni is found to increase the solubility of MnS.
ISIJ International Vol.35(1995), No.7
ISIJ International Vol.37(1997), No.4
ISIJ International Vol.34(1994), No.9