Relationship between Deformation and Recrystallization in Σ3 Isoaxial Aluminum Bicrystal Deformed in Tension along the <011> Axis
Keizo Kashihara, Minoru Tagami, Hiroshi Tanaka, Tatsuya Okada, Fukuji Inoko
pp. 381-384
Deformation and recrystallization behaviors were examined using a Σ3 isoaxial aluminum bicrystal specimen deformed in tension along the 〈011〉 axis. At a tensile strain of 20%, an inhomogeneously deformed structure was developed near the GB . The recrystallization at the GB was dominated by the strain-induced grain boundary migration (SIBM). The strong edge components of piled-up dislocations contributed the occurrence of the SIBM, whereas the screw dislocations moved into the GB from both component crystals were considered to pass through or canceled each other in the GB, because of the special orientational and geometric conditions in the crystals.